Calling all Pickleballers and Wannabes - Thursdays and Saturdays

Calling all Pickleballers and Wannabes - Thursdays and Saturdays


February 25, 2024 - February 24, 2025    
9:00 am - 10:00 am

The Finisterra Pickleball group meets on Thursday and Saturday at 9 am at our Finisterra pickleball courts and we are looking for new members. If you are an experienced player or new to the game, we welcome you to join us and experience the joy of playing with a friendly and social group. If you are unfamiliar with PB but have played tennis then you can watch Utube videos to see if this sport is for you. A PB racket and court shoes are all that is needed!

Questions? You can email Rhesa Rubin at

See you on the PB courts!!